The Collaborative Research Hub

A global collaborative platform in the UN system, anchored within frontline communities.

It will be vital to facilitate a process that supports clinicians at the frontline to set research agendas and conduct research in LMICs while also gaining access to global networks.

The Collaborative Research Hub is planned as a UN-based platform to foster research collaboration to achieve progress in surgical, obstetrical, anesthesia, and trauma care for LMICs. It is not “yet another research centre”, but serves as a common platform for the leading investigators from research centres around the world. It’s aim is to connect research from the frontline with the global ecosystem.

The primary outcome will be to facilitate and produce evidence-based, high-impact solutions for countries to prioritize in meeting their targets. The Hub will be located at the UNITAR / GSF headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, within the International Geneva Global Health ecosystem, in close proximity to the World Health Organization (WHO), other UN agencies and international global health agencies, and UN Member State Permanent Missions.


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