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The Only Catalytic Fund for Surgical Care

The Problem

Access to Surgical Care: The Biggest Neglected Gap in Global Health

Surgical care can be life-saving, but access remains a problem.

Without urgent investment and action, we cannot hope to save lives, strengthen health systems, or achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


of the world’s population

do not have access to safe, timely, and affordable surgical care


people die every year

from conditions that could easily be treated with surgery


of global health conditions

require surgical care (anaesthesia, surgery and recovery)


of global health funding

goes to surgical care (anaesthesia, surgery and recovery)


more surgeries are needed

every year in low- and middle-income countries to save lives and prevent lifelong disability

Nikhil Seth
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The SDGs are not achievable without ensuring that surgical care is available.

Nikhil Seth

UN Assistant Secretary-General, Co-Chair of the GSF High-Level Council

Our Solution

SURGfund: The Only Catalytic Fund for Surgical Care

SURGfund closes the biggest neglected gap in global health, saving lives and strengthening health systems in four key areas:

  • Maternal health

  • Children’s surgery

  • Injury and trauma surgery

  • Cancer surgery

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Our Focus

We support capacity-building projects that saves lives and strengthens health systems in four key areas.

Maternal Health

Saving Lives at Birth

  • We fund capacity-building projects that make childbirth safer for mothers everywhere. Your support helps us to provide appropriate surgical care during pregnancy and delivery, reducing deaths and addressing complications, such as postpartum haemorrhage and obstetric fistula. Together, we can make a life-saving difference for mothers and babies.

Children’s Surgery

Preventing Lifelong Disability

Smiling girl
  • Investing in surgery for children pays off in better health and happiness. We support projects that treat congenital heart defects, cleft lip and palate, appendicitis, clubfoot, and traumatic injuries. With your support, we can ensure that every child receives the surgical care they need to grow healthy and happy.

Trauma Surgery

Transforming Pain into Strength

Fractured leg
  • We’re committed to ensuring everyone gets the care they need after an injury or trauma. We focus on projects that heal bone fractures and repair damaged organs. Your generosity helps us to expand access to the treatment people need to recover and thrive.

Cancer Surgery

Giving People New Hope

Elderly woman
  • Surgery plays an important role in cancer care and control. Whether it’s screening, treatment, or recovery, we are committed to investing in projects that bring people health and hope. Together, we can reduce the risk of cancer, remove tumours, and ease symptoms.

Our Approach

SURGfund pools funds from government, philanthropy, and the private sector to offer:

Tailored support icon

Tailored support

We offer expert support adapted to the unique needs of each project and country.

Building partnerships

Collaborative partnerships

We work with existing healthcare initiatives to share technical knowledge and reduce silos.

Local ownership

Local ownership

We help frontline partners lead projects that have proven local impact and potential for scale.

Scaling solutions icon

Scalable solutions

We expand and scale successful projects to strengthen health systems regionally and nationally.

Meaningful impact

We track progress to ensure every donation drives positive outcomes for people in low- and middle-income countries.

Featured Project

Building Bridges for Broken Bones

We provided catalytic funding and support for an innovative project treating extremity fracture patients in rural Tanzania. This collaborative model connects traditional bonesetters and hospital staff to improve patient care.

“The access to GSF’s network has turned our project from an idea into a full-fledged line of research—one that now also has financial backing from GSF to ensure its realisation.”

Dr. Joost Binnerts

Shirati Foundation

Bonesetters and hospital staff participate in a casting workshop during the ‘Basics in Trauma’ course at Shirati KMT Hospital

Through catalytic financing, expert collaboration, and local leadership, we helped transform this initiative from concept to reality. Our approach ensures that surgical care is designed and driven by the communities they serve.

Our Impact

SURGfund ensures that every dollar donated drives meaningful change in the lives of people and communities in low- and middle-income countries.

Explore our frontline impact in the 2023 GSF Annual Report.


people with improved access to surgical care


training certificates issued to healthcare workers


healthcare workers and patients served by our projects


surgical care courses available


countries with active projects

Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
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Lives saved, disabilities prevented—this is our commitment and impact for the most vulnerable.

Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

GSF Board Member | Former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women | Former Deputy-President of South Africa

Our Partners

SURGfund brings together global partners and frontline workers to build stronger health systems.

Founding partners

We are grateful for the strong support by our founding partners.

We are grateful to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (
UNITAR), which helped develop the GSF concept.

Funding partners

We are proud to count on the support of our financial partners.

Start-up funding

Incubation funding

Project & other funding

Dr. Tedros
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There is a clear need for coordinated, integrated effort to meet the largely unmet surgical needs all over the world.

Dr Tedros

WHO Director General

Partner With Us

As a SURGfund donor, you will:

  • Seize a valuable opportunity to drive impact in global health

  • Gain access to technical expertise and insights from those on the front lines

  • Influence GSF governance, ensuring your voice helps shape our mission

  • Achieve high-quality implementation, monitoring, and evaluation

  • Position your organisation or company as a global leader

Together, we can save lives and strengthen health systems.

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Partner with SURGfund to close the biggest neglected gap in global health and amplify your impact.