Nepal NSOAP Orientation Webinar Series
Nepal NSOAP Orientation Webinar Series
July 19-22, 2021
This is a closed event - RSVP required to
This orientation webinar series marks an important milestone in a roadmap towards formulating a National Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Plan (NSOAP) for Nepal.
The event is co-hosted by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). It will be highly interactive and provide information on how Nepalese health professionals and leaders can start the process of developing an NSOAP unique for Nepal, including an overview of the current situation of surgical care in Nepal.
The main objective of this webinar series is to orient all stakeholders to the NSOAP initiative.
Opening Day
Closing day
The 68th World Health Organization (WHO) Assembly in 2015 passed a resolution (WHA68.15) to strengthen emergency and essential surgical and anaesthesia services as a component of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This effort was directed towards helping WHO member states in realizing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Following the political mandate of WHA 68.15 and the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (LCoGS), experts around the world produced a comprehensive planning methodology for safe SOA care. As a UN member state, Nepal was one of the signatories on the Resolution WHA 68.15 and is committed to lead the way in strengthening emergency and essential surgical and anaesthesia services.
In September 2020, UNITAR and Harvard published the NSOAP Manual (2020 Edition), drawing upon the expertise and experiences from implementers around the world. The manual provides the general framework and components that are needed to improve surgical systems through national policy. It serves as a roadmap to guide governments through the process of creating their country-specific NSOAP. Since 2015, several countries showed interest and took the initiative to develop their own unique NSOAP, with Zambia and Ethiopia being some of the first to undergo the process.
Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal (MoHP)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Harvard Medical School – Program in Global Surgery and Social Change (PGSSC)
Global Surgery Foundation (GSF)
Nick Simons Institute (NSI)
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
This is a closed event - RSVP required to
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