The High-Level Council
The Foundation High-Level Council (HLC) is the level of governance for the Global Surgery Foundation providing for a strong constituency-based forum for stakeholder engagement and strategic guidance with the Foundation Board and Secretariat, bringing together some of the world’s leading actors in global surgery from governments, academia, foundations, and non-governmental organizations. The main role of the HLC is to provide the Foundation with strong leadership in the development of strategies and policies.
It serves as the main governance body providing direct communication, engagement, and accountability for all relevant stakeholders, and in particular, the funding agencies and to ensure that all activities are in alignment with the Foundation's vision and mission. The HLC undertakes advocacy and fundraising activities to ensure the viability of the Foundation.
In the Foundation culture of inclusivity and collaboration, the HLC has a very strong voice within the governance structure that will assist the Foundation Board in guiding the organistion.
Members of the High-Level Council
Dr. Lubna Samad
Dr. Ifereimi Waquainabete
Western Pacific
Dr. Reem Al Bunyan
Middle East & North Africa
Dr. Adrian Gelb
Mr. Roland Göhde
Private Sector
Ms. Stella Itungu
Professional Societies
Dr. Noor Hisham
South & South-East Asia
Mr. Pradeep Kakkatil
Mr. Ricardo Leite
Europe & Central Asia
Dr. Emmanuel Makasa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Mr. Rali Mampeule
Philanthropic Donors
Dr. Salome Maswime
Dr. Liz McLeod
Western Pacific
Dr. John Meara
Mr. Justin Narducci
Ms. Susie Schaefer
Organisational Founders
Dr. Aly Shalaby
Middle East & North Africa