Training Providers Share How SURGhub is Helping Them Build Surgical Skills


In a short video, training providers share how SURGhub is making a difference in their work.


Supporting Training Providers in Making Surgical Training Accessible Worldwide

In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the lack of access to quality surgical and anaesthesia care leads to over 17 million preventable deaths annually. This staggering statistic underscores the critical need for well-trained surgical healthcare professionals worldwide.

Launched in June 2023, SURGhub serves as a central platform offering high-quality learning content in global surgery. By enabling training providers around the world a free and streamlined way to make their training available and visible, SURGhub is making surgical care more accessible.

Watch the video to hear testimonials from two SURGhub partners on why they are using SURGhub and how it’s making a difference in their work.


SURGhub has been a game changer, allowing us to deliver trauma and disaster response team training anywhere, anytime. We're using it more and more in conflict areas, where the impact of online learning and knowledge transfer is immense."

Dr. Dan Deckelbaum
McGill University Co-Director of the Centre for Global Surgery

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SURGhub won a prestigious 2024 THE Award. Read more here.


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