Stay up to date on our activities and the latest news in global surgery.
Training Providers Share How SURGhub is Helping Them Build Surgical Skills
The global shortage of skilled surgical professionals is a significant barrier to providing safe and affordable surgical care. Launched in June 2023, SURGhub offers surgical training providers an unprecedented opportunity to address the shortage of surgical care workers.
United by Unique: Stories of Resilience, Drawbacks, and Progress
As part of our Voices in Global Surgery series, we spoke with patients, frontline workers, and advocates in women’s cancers.
Meet Shainuni: Latest News from the Bonesetter Project in Tanzania
The project team successfully completed the inclusion period and launched a pilot study in April, which implements a collaborative treatment model involving traditional bonesetters and hospital referrals for surgical treatment when necessary, ensuring adequate pain relief and X-ray diagnostics for all fracture patients
Our 2023 results are now available
In 2023, GSF significantly expanded its global footprint, reaching several important milestones in priority areas, resulting in a record-breaking year for growth & frontline impact.
Generating evidence to support value-based care in Türkiye
The value-based healthcare (VBHC) programme in Türkiye shared their preliminary results with the scientific community, generating evidence to support the VBHC approach.
Celebrating One Year of Expanding Access to Global Surgical Education through SURGhub
In an effort to address the global crisis in access to safe and affordable surgical care, the United Nations Global Surgery Learning Hub (SURGhub) was launched in June 2023.
Update from Türkiye: Engaging Our Partners in Value-based Healthcare & Breast Cancer
The Global Surgery Foundation, in collaboration with UNITAR and partners in Türkiye, conducted a visit to assess the progress of their Value-based Healthcare (VBHC) Programme focused on optimising breast cancer care.
Trauma survey reaches 1,400 household members in Shirati, Tanzania
Trauma survey reaches 1,400 household members in Shirati, Tanzania.
Basics in Trauma course in Tanzania
Shirati KMT Hospital hosted the “Basics in Trauma” course to bring together hospital professionals and traditional bonesetters in spirit of collaboration and mutual trust.
Read our 2021-22 Bi-Annual Report
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) recently published its bi-annual report for 2021-22. Download the report now to read about our team, highlighted activities, organisational growth, and expanding partnerships.
Sixteen Tanzanian Women Trained in Data Collection to improve Outcomes for Fracture Patients
The week-long training included supervised practice with questionnaires, use of mobile smartphones and the data collection software, as well as individual practice with strangers and relatives around the home setting.
Bonesetter project already seeing positive patient impact
The Global Surgery Foundation is teaming up with Shirati KMT Hospital and Shirati Foundation to implement the project "Building bridges for broken bones." Within weeks of the start of the activities, there are already wonderful examples of the impact that was planned for in this project.