Read our 2021-22 Bi-Annual Report
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) recently published its bi-annual report for 2021-22. Download the report now to read about our growing team, highlighted activities, organisational growth, and expanding partnerships.
Letter from leadership
Over the past two years as the world slowly recovered from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has come to the harsh realization that without strong and resilient health systems, entire countries will come to a grinding halt in the face of an overwhelming health emergency. Sadly, we saw our progress towards the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stall and even regress during these unprecedented COVID-19 years. However, the toughest challenges can also teach us the most important lessons. An important lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is that we can no longer compromise on the issue of equity in global health.
It is with this lesson reinforced, that the team at the Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) resolved to push forward in making a difference in one of the most inequitable areas of global health – that is – access to safe and affordable surgical care, which is lacking in so many countries and for billions of individuals worldwide.
“We have made huge strides forward in achieving our vision to bring equity to those parts of the world where surgical care is still not easily accessible”
Despite the global challenges in 2021 and 2022 due to the pandemic, the GSF has made huge strides forward in achieving our vision to bring equity to those parts of the world where surgical care is still not easily accessible. To start, we are very pleased to announce that in October 2021, the GSF was officially registered as a Swiss Foundation under the Swiss regulatory authorities in Geneva. While maintaining close partnership ties with UNITAR, we continued to grow our capacity to support implementing partners on the frontlines – and shifting the focus from growing the GSF as an organization to supporting implementation.
During the rapid growth phase over the past two years, there are many individuals and organizations that have participated in and supported the GSF. Of particular note is the commitment of our Organizational Founding Partner, Smile Train, which graciously supported the process to register the GSF as a Swiss Foundation. Their support demonstrates the broader commitment Smile Train is making to global surgery and health system strengthening - and we are very grateful for their partnership moving forward. It is partnerships like these that will unify the global surgery community and help us achieve our common goals in improving access to care.
“The GSF was officially registered as a Swiss Foundation under the Swiss regulatory authorities in Geneva”
Over the past six years, we have seen the Global Surgery Foundation move from being just an idea, to an exciting initiative incubated within the UN system with UNITAR, to emerge as an independent international organization. The GSF is ready to make major impact where it is most needed. From the beginning, we have emphasized the importance of partnerships and we continue to hold this principle as one of our most important core values. Achieving impact on the frontlines is only going to happen if we work together and build strong inclusive partnerships.
On behalf of the entire GSF team, we would like to thank everyone involved in making the “idea” of the GSF a reality. As we now enter the next exciting growth phase for the GSF, we invite all stakeholders in Global Health to join us in supporting our colleagues on the frontlines and bring equity to health care by improving access to effective surgical care systems worldwide.
Thank you.
Prof. Rifat Atun, GSF President
Dr. Geoff Ibbotson, GSF Executive Director