Find upcoming events and watch the latest event recordings in global surgery.
Recording available: We launched the Value-based Healthcare Hub
Creating value for the patient: the Global Surgery Foundation and UNITAR, with the support of Takeda, will host a special online event to officially launch the new Value-based Healthcare Hub.
Recording online: Breast Cancer - Improving outcomes and access to treatment for the most vulnerable
The Global Surgery Foundation is pleased to host a special webinar as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Nepal NSOAP Orientation Webinar Series
This orientation webinar series marks an important milestone in a roadmap towards formulating a National Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Plan (NSOAP) for Nepal.
Recording: Official Launch of Pakistan's Surgical Plan
Join hands with us in our mission to ensure that all Pakistanis have access to safe, timely, and affordable emergency and essential surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia care services so that they may live healthy and productive lives.
Recommended event: Bethune Round Table on Strengthening Health Infrastructures in Under-Resourced Communities
The Global Surgery Foundation is pleased to recommend the following event: Bethune Round Table on Strengthening Health Infrastructures in Under-Resourced Communities.
Recommended event: Launch of the Institute of Global Surgery at RCSI (12 March)
The Global Surgery Foundation is pleased to join and recommend the launching event for the Institute of Global Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) on 12 March 2021.
Event Recordings: 2020 Webinars on Global Surgery
The Global Surgery Foundation hosted a number of well-received events in 2020. Learn more and re-watch all of them here.
Asia Pacific Region: Strategic Planning to Improve Surgical, Obstetric, Anaesthesia, and Trauma Care
Following the launch of the NSOAP Manual and the NSOAP Educational Series, the Global Surgery Foundation is pleased to collaborate on a three-part series on the NSOAP process in the Asia-Pacific region.
Event Recordings: Special Educational Online Series on the NSOAP Manual & Process
The National Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Planning (NSOAP) Manual is being published as a collaborative initiative between the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Harvard Medical School Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, and the Global Surgery Foundation. It will be officially launched on 28 September 2020 as part of a special Online Educational Series with the generous support of Johnson & Johnson.
Recommendation: WACS National Surgical, Obstetric and Anesthesia Planning (NSOAP) Workshop
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) is pleased to highlight and recommend the (WACS) National Surgical, Obstetric and Anesthesia Planning (NSOAP) Workshop taking place on Thursday, 17 December 2020 (11:00 – 13:00 EST).
Recommendation: Geneva Health Forum 8th edition - from 16 to 18 November 2020
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) is pleased to highlight and recommend the Geneva Health Forum 8th edition taking place from 16 to 18 November 2020.
Watch recording: GSF participates in World Health Summit session on "Essential Surgical and Trauma Care"
Representatives of the Global Surgery Foundation Leadership Team participated in a session of the World Health Summit 2020 entitled “PD 19 - Essential Surgical and Trauma Care".
Webinar: Innovative Financing for Global Surgery - The Catalytic Role of Impact Investment
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) is pleased to highlight and recommend an online conference by Harvard Program in Global Surgery and Social Change on Innovative Financing for Global Surgery.
Watch recording: Conservative Versus Interventional Treatment for Spontaneous Pneumothorax
This one hour webinar involved a review of the literature examining the the topic of conservative versus interventional treatment for spontaneous pneumothorax.
Online Conference: Reimagining Perioperative Care in Africa - 10-11 October 2020
The Global Surgery Foundation is pleased to highlight and recommend an online conference by UCT Global Surgery and the South African Student Surgical Society (SASSS) on “Reimagining Perioperative Care in Africa”, scheduled for Saturday, 10th October and Sunday, 11th October.
Watch recording: official launch of the new NSOAP Manual
The new NSOAP Manual was officially launched on 28 September 2020 as part of a special Online Educational Series in partnership with UNITAR, Harvard PGSSC, and with the generous support of Johnson & Johnson.
Watch RECORDING: Global Anesthesia Priorities in The Covid-19 Era
UNITAR and the Global Surgery Foundation co-hosted this webinar with Smile Train and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA).
Webinar: Global Anesthesia Priorities in the COVID-19 Era (Tuesday, September 15, 2020)
UNITAR and the Global Surgery Foundation is is excited to announce a virtual roundtable, in collaboration with Smile Train and WFSA on Global Anesthesia Priorities in the COVID-19 Era.
Watch RECORDING: Leading Health Systems Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
UNITAR and the Global Surgery Foundation co-hosted this webinar with the University of Capetown, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Operation Smile, and the Nepal Medical Council.
Watch RECORDING: Restarting non-emergent Surgery in LMIC
UNITAR and the Global Surgery Foundation co-hosted this webinar with Operation Smile and Stellenbosch University.