Stay up to date on our activities and the latest news in global surgery.
United by Unique: Stories of Resilience, Drawbacks, and Progress
As part of our Voices in Global Surgery series, we spoke with patients, frontline workers, and advocates in women’s cancers.
Bringing Breast Cancer Patient Perspectives from Türkiye to the ICHOM Conference
The GSF’s Women’s Health team shared updates from projects aimed at improving access to surgical care for breast cancer patients in Rwanda and Türkiye.
Uncovering the Lived Experience of Cancer Surgery
As the first of our new series “Voices in Global Surgery”, this article takes a look behind the scenes of surgical care.
We spoke with cancer survivors from seven countries to learn how their expertise can inform global cancer control programming.
New partnership in value-based care with Leapfrog to Value
The Global Surgery Foundation and Leapfrog to Value have entered into a strategic partnership to enhance access to care and strengthen health systems, focusing on Breast Cancer and Maternal Health.
Voice of the Patient and the Global Surgery Foundation announce partnership
The Global Surgery Foundation and Voice of the Patient have announced a strategic partnership through a memorandum of understanding. This collaboration focuses on enhancing access to care and prioritizing patient voices.
New project launch: improving obstetric care for 10,000 births per year in Nepal
We are launching a project aiming to improve obstetric care for 10,000 births per year in Nepal's Koshi Province.
Our 2023 results are now available
In 2023, GSF significantly expanded its global footprint, reaching several important milestones in priority areas, resulting in a record-breaking year for growth & frontline impact.
Generating evidence to support value-based care in Türkiye
The value-based healthcare (VBHC) programme in Türkiye shared their preliminary results with the scientific community, generating evidence to support the VBHC approach.
Now available: WHA77 GSF side-event report
The GSF side-event at WHA77 convened a diverse array of global health leaders, representing UN member states, United Nations bodies, philanthropy, academia, civil society, and industry. The event report is now available.
Update from Türkiye: Engaging Our Partners in Value-based Healthcare & Breast Cancer
The Global Surgery Foundation, in collaboration with UNITAR and partners in Türkiye, conducted a visit to assess the progress of their Value-based Healthcare (VBHC) Programme focused on optimising breast cancer care.
Surgical Care Provides a Missing Piece for Women’s Equity (International Women’s Day)
No woman should die for lack of surgical care.
Breast Cancer: How Value-based Healthcare Can Help Treat Women
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Value-based healthcare (VBHC) approaches can help make quality surgical care available to more breast cancer patients.
Türkiye: New Shared Vision Statement on Value-Based Healthcare
The Global Surgery Foundation and UNITAR Sign Shared Vision Statement Around Value-Based Healthcare in Türkiye.
Capacity-building for Gynaecologic Cancers in LMICs
Publication: Capacity-building for Gynaecologic Cancers in LMICs
New collaboration with Turkish Ministry of Health and Universities in value-based healthcare
The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) and the Turkish Ministry of Health, Marmara University School of Medicine and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University School of Medicine have entered into a strategic partnership for implementation of the Value-based healthcare (VBHC) programme.
Financial Toxicity Among Patients With Breast Cancer Worldwide
Financial toxicity (FT) is the negative impact of cost of care on financial well-being. Patients with breast cancer are at risk for incurring high out-of-pocket costs given the long-term need for multidisciplinary care and expensive treatments.
The International Gynecologic Cancer Society and The Global Surgery Foundation Announce Partnership
We are pleased to announce that The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) and the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) have entered into a strategic partnership.
Go watch this short video on breast cancer and surgery
Where you live should not determine whether you receive treatment for breast cancer.